
Tropospheric water vapour isotopologue distributions have been consistently generated and quality filtered for 12 globally distributed ground-based FTIR sites. The products are provided as two data types. The first type is best-suited for tropospheric water vapour distribution studies. The second type is needed for analysing moisture pathways by means of {H2O,δD}-pair distributions. This paper describes the data types and gives recommendations for their correct usage.E. Sepúlveda is supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad from Spain under the project CGL2012-37505 (NOVIA project). The measurements in Mexico (Altzomoni) are supported by UNAM-DGAPA grants (IN109914, IN112216) and Conacyt (239618, 249374). Start-up of the measurements in Altzomoni was supported by International Bureau of BMBF under contract no. 01DN12064. 15 Special thanks to A. Bezanilla for data management and the RUOA program (www.ruoa.unam.mx) and personnel for helping maintaining the station. Measurements at Wollongong are supported by the Australian Research Council, grant DP110103118. This study has been conducted in the framework of the project MUSICA which is funded by the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Grant agreement number 256961

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