Reengineering Introductory Psychology for the Virtual Classroom: Qualitative Report on Initial Course Design and Preliminary Student Feedback


For students of any academic background or vocational preference, introductory psychology is also one of the most popular social science courses. For many students in the community college setting, the introductory psychology course may be the only formal exposure to non- pseudoscience theory a student will receive. The Virginia Community College System (VCCS) has transfer agreements with many of the four-year institutions in Virginia, and there is a reengineering effort underway that, among many other things, will help ensure consistency with regards to students’ exposure to essential course and learning objectives. One component of reengineering is to create default template-style course shells for high enrollment/high non- productive grade courses including Principles of Psychology, and this paper reports on the background, design, and initial delivery of the Online version of PSY200

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