A Management Indicator Program For Water Operating Agencies


The management indicator program for operating agencies (PIGOO, for its initials in Spanish) specifies a set of 28 management indicators that help to measure the operational aspects, financial aspects and efficiencies of potable water supply systems. Ideally, the performance indicators of an operating agency should be linked to an objective or strategy established by that same agency. The performance indicators are calculated based on annual data, variables such as the volume of water produced, the number of employees, total income and expenditures, rate of leaks and claims. The Mexican Institute of Water Technology has conducted PIGOO since 2005. From 2005 to 2013, the number of operating agencies has increased from 50 to 130. Correspondingly, the number of management indicators has increased from 12 to 28. Information is available for the 185 participating agencies at http://www.pigoo.gob.mx/. The quality of service offered by an operating agency can be measured according to the following criteria: the efficiency and effectiveness with which it provides water and collects and treats wastewater; the satisfaction of its customers; whether the water supply is continuous in terms of quantity and quality; knowledge of all elements that make up its infrastructure; whether there is a reliable record of its users; knowledge of how much water is produced and how much is delivered to consumers; whether it uses the full capacity of its treatment units; whether all complaints from users are addressed in a reasonable time and in turn if payment is received for the service; and the ability to recoup all operating, maintenance and administrative costs of the system. The webpage provides, among other options, the possibility of comparing indicators. Information can also be found in the geographical search section, where it is possible to use search filters related to demographical and geographical aspects, as well as to examine the value ranges of the management indicators. The present article will address the diverse topics covered by PIGOO and provide an analysis of the results

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