Autism Spectrum Disorder: Solutions for Improved Care


Children that are on the Autism Spectrum are suffering every day because they aren’t receiving the care and treatments that are necessary to thrive in adulthood. Caregivers to those on the spectrum are not handling the stressors of parenting those on the spectrum correctly. Implementing self-care techniques for themselves will have a positive impact on the child. Savant skills and obsessions are a common trait in those with autism, and if these are encouraged and guided, it may lay the foundation for a successful career in the future. It is important that the child have a mentor that can help guide these abilities, as well as help with everyday tasks such as social skills and hygiene. Another problem is insurance company policies in Virginia. They have an age and dollar cap for their services, which prevents younger and older people on the spectrum from receiving treatment. These policies need to be dissolved. Children in rural areas, such as Lake Anna, are finding it difficult to receive prompt therapy services because companies are having a hard time placing a clinician with a child that lives so far away. If they offered Telehealth services, this issue would resolve and the child would receive the therapy that they need. This paper argues that children on the Autism spectrum are not receiving the care that they desperately need, which in turn affects their ability to function as an adult

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