Biological Engineering: Advances and Methods


The last few decades have seen a tremendous growth in the field of bioengineering. As the need for further treatment and innovation for tissue repair, partial to full organ replication, and gene therapy continues to increase, the field of bioengineering will be tasked with curing and preventing disease and traumatic injuries. The two primary fields currently being focused on in the lab are the way cells interact and communicate to build tissues, and the nature and materials utilized in scaffolding to allow differentiation and migration when cells are seeded. Within those two fields are subsets of different methods, materials that vary greatly. Some stem cells offer certain benefits, yet lack viability due to a host of obstacles, such as ethical questions about their procurement, to their technical obstacles, such as materials utilized for best profusion in a scaffold. It appears that proper and adequate funding for research into finding solutions will be pivotal in having the next medical breakthrough in science. It may very well be referred as one of the greatest advancements in modern history and forever change the face of science should this technology become successful and accessible. Indeed, recent successes in patients would be a strong indicator that this technology and innovation is not too distant in the future

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