Attitudes and Beliefs of Counselor Educators Toward Gatekeeping


The purpose of this study was to examine attitudes and beliefs of counselor educators toward gatekeeping, which become overt in gatekeeping decisions in the context of stringent and less stringent decisions made at seven gates that counselors-in-training must pass though to graduate, and factors extraneous to counselor-in-training competence that may influence gatekeeping decisions. A total of 84 counselor educators participated in this study. Results showed that counselor educators are most stringent at the admissions gate; that less stringent gatekeeping decisions are made by counselor educators who have experience as a professional counselor prior to becoming a counselor educator at the admissions and internship gates; objectivism of counselor educators predicts more stringent decisions at the admissions gate, and when objectivism and primary theoretical orientation of counselor educators are combined more stringent gatekeeping decisions were made at the admissions, relationship, and ethics gates. Four out of seven gates examined were associated with factors that are extraneous to the competence of counselors-in-training

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