The Applicability of the Megargee Classification System for the MMPI-A


Megargee (1977) originally developed a classification system for MMPI profiles for male offenders, and eventually expanded this system to also accommodate the MMPI profiles of female offenders (Megargee, 1992). Recently Megargee expanded and modified this system for use with the MMPI-2 (Megargee, Carbonell, Bohn, and Sliger, 2001). The purpose of the current study was to examine the utility of Megargee\u27s systems as applied to adolescents in correctional facilities based on MMPI-A results. The Megargee classification criteria were modified for the purposes of this study, generally based on quite limited modifications to accommodate the lower profile ratings typically found for adolescents on the MMPI-A. Preliminary analyses found membership percentage rates of all 10-offender types comparable to that of Megargee\u27s adult sample (Megargee, & Dorhout, 1977). Predictive analyses revealed that neither clinical scales nor Megargee classification successfully predicted to various criminal archival outcome variables. The exception to this was membership in the Jupiter, which was found to be significantly related to number of prior offenses and number of prior commitments to the SCDJJ. Limitations of the current study and recommendations for further research are discussed

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