Harmonically Resonant Cavity as a Bunch Length Monitor


A compact, harmonically-resonant cavity with a fundamental resonant frequency of 1497 MHz was used to evaluate the temporal characteristics of electron bunches produced by a 130 kV dc high voltage spin-polarized photoelectron source at the Continuous Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) photoinjector, delivered at 249.5 and 499 MHz repetition rates and ranging in width from 45 to 150 picoseconds (FWHM). The cavity’s antenna was attached directly to a sampling oscilloscope that detected the electron bunches as they passed through the cavity bore with a sensitivity of ~ mV/ μA. The oscilloscope wave-forms are a superposition of the harmonic modes excited by the beam, with each cavity mode representing a term of the Fourier series of the electron bunch train. Relatively straitforward post-processing of the waveforms provided a near-real time representation of the electron bunches revealing bunchlength and the relative phasing of interleaved beams. The non-invasive measurements from the harmonically-resonant cavity were compared to measurements obtained using an invasive rf-deflector-cavity technique and to predictions from particle tracking simulations

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