Secondary Electron Yield of Electron Beam Welded Areas of SRF Cavities


Secondary Electron Emission (SEE) is a phenomenon that contributes to the total electron activity inside the Superconducting Radiofrequency (SRF) cavities during the accelerator operation. SEE is highly dependent on the state of the surface. During electron beam welding process, significant amount of heat is introduced into the material causing the microstructure change of Niobium (Nb). Currently, all simulation codes for field emission and multipacting are treating the inside of the cavity as a uniform, homogeneous surface. Due to its complex shape and fabricating procedure, and the sensitivity of the SEE on the surface state, it would be interesting to see if the Secondary Electron Yield (SEY) parameters vary in the surface area on and near the equator weld. For that purpose, we have developed experimental setup that can measure accurately the energy distribution of the SEY of coupon-like like samples. To test the influence of the weld area on the SEY of Nb, dedicated samples are made from a welded plate using electron beam welding parameters common for cavity fabrication. SEY data matrix of those samples will be presented

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