Surface Deformation Induced by Present-Day Ice Melting in Svalbard


The vertical movement of the Earth\u27s surface is the result of a number of internal processes in the solid Earth, tidal forces and mass redistribution in the atmosphere, oceans, terrestrial hydrosphere and cryosphere. Close to ice sheets and glaciers, the changes in the ice loads can induce large vertical motions at intraseasonal to secular timescales. The Global Positioning System (GPS) and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) antennas in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard that started observations in 1991 and 1995, respectively, observe vertical uplift rates on the order of mm yr−1, which are considerably larger than those predicted by postglacial rebound (PGR) models (order 2 mm yr−1). The observations also indicate increased uplift rates starting some time in 2000. A local GPS campaign network that has been reoccupied annually since 1998, reveals a tilting away from the neighbouring glaciers. The Svalbard glaciers have been undergoing melting and retreat during the last century, with increased melting since about 2000. We compared the observed vertical motion to the motion predicted by loading models using a detailed ice model with annual time resolution as forcing. The model predictions correlate well with the observations both with respect to the interannual variations and the spatial pattern of long-term trends. The regression coefficients for predicted and observed interannual variations in height is , whereas the regression coefficient for the predicted and observed spatial pattern turns out to be . Estimates of the predicted secular trend in height due to PGR and present-day melting are on the order of mm yr−1 and thus smaller than the observed secular trend in height. This discrepancy between predictions and observations is likely caused by the sum of errors in the secular rates determined from observations (due to technique-dependent large-scale offsets) and incomplete or erroneous models (unaccounted tectonic vertical motion, errors in the ice load history, scale errors in the viscoelastic PGR models and the elastic models for present-day melting)

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