The dynamics of vortex solitons is studied in a BEC superfluid. A quantum lattice-gas algorithm (measurementbased quantum computation) is employed to examine the dynamical behavior vortex soliton solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (ø4 interaction nonlinear Schroedinger equation). Quantum turbulence is studied in large grid numerical simulations: Kolmogorov spectrum associated with a Richardson energy cascade occurs on large flow scales. At intermediate scales, a new k-6 power law emerges, due to vortex filamentary reconnections associated with Kelvin wave instabilities (vortex twisting) coupling to sound modes and the exchange of intermediate vortex rings. Finally, at very small spatial scales a k-3power law emerges, characterizing fluid dynamics occurring within the scale size of the vortex cores themselves. Poincaré recurrence is studied: in the free non-interacting system, a fast Poincaré recurrence occurs for regular arrays of line vortices. The recurrence period is used to demarcate dynamics driving a nonlinear quantum fluid towards turbulence, since fast recurrence is an approximate symmetry of the nonlinear quantum fluid at early times. This class of quantum algorithms is useful for studying BEC superfluid dynamics and, without modification, should allow for higher resolution simulations (with many components) on future quantum computers