A Study of How Children Can Be Taught to Think Better


This study was concerned with ways to improve the thinking of upper elementary school children. An attempt was made to analyze classroom situations which do and do not help children learn to think, and to make suggestions for developing skills in thinking. Criteria were developed by the writer and were presented to upper elementary classroom teachers to help them evaluate themselves in teaching children to think. This problem was the study of how classroom teachers can teach children to think better. If the democratic way of life in the United States is to survive and the world tomorrow is to be a good place in which to live; then the schools must assume the responsibility of educating boys and girls so that they will have the ability to solve the ever-changing problems of the present and future. Although teaching children to think has long been one of the major objectives of education, it is ...comparatively new for schools to seek ways whereby they may effectively and directly teach pupils to think. The writer feels that teaching children to think better at all maturity levels is the best assurance teachers can give children for solving present and future problems. Before teachers can teach children to think, they must know what skills in thinking can be taught and how they can be taught. Therefore, it was the purpose of this study to bring together available facts and opinions from widely scattered sources to help classroom teachers evaluate their teaching procedures in relation to what has been done to teach children to think and to make suggestions to stimulate action in improving instruction in thinking

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