An Evaluation of administrative practices concerning secondary-school libraries


This study is an attempt to evaluate the practices of eight South-east Kansas secondary-school administrators concerning school libraries located in eight counties. Previous library studies have generally disclosed serious inadequacies. Administrators are responsible for conditions in any part of the school, and this study attempts to discover how nearly existing administrative practices agree with principles and practices accepted by library science authorities. After much study an information sheet was constructed and used to record data obtained during personal interviews held in the administrator\u27s office of each school. Administrative practice concerning library housing, accessibility, finance, acquisition of materials, personnel, control, support, and organization were studied in addition to the library objectives. In general, administrators consider the secondary-school library as an essential part of the school, but they seem to be unaware of its proper functions in helping attain the educational objectives of the school in modern education. More administrative practices concerning library housing and cooperation with the public library appear to be unsatisfactory than is true of those concerning other areas of study. As a whole, existing administrative practices appear to be contributing to the secondary-school objectives stated by administrators, but they do not appear to contribute much toward the attainment of objectives given by library authorities for the library in modern education

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