Innovative Professional Network Echo Method Improves Recruitment of Diverse and Multicultural Students to Health Administration


Health administration professions do not reflect US demographic and economic structure. Pragmatically, new programs are resource-limited. Novel, reliable and valid recruitment and admission strategies are needed to address this gap. We aimed to create replicable, low-cost recruitment to support multicultural diversity at the graduate level and subsequently, in healthcare leadership. A pilot survey of healthcare leaders and students identified top trends, hiring needs and sustainable opportunities. Health data analytics, outcomes research and process improvement were consistently identified by both groups. The new MS in Health Economic and Clinical Outcomes Research program emphasized these areas, ensuring upward mobility of graduates. Following standard process improvement methodologies, recruitment processes were mapped and gaps identified. The innovative Professional Network Echo Method (PN ECHO) increased the percent of multicultural and racially diverse students by 32% and 46%, respectively, using a targeted systems approach flowchart of LinkedIn™, Slate™ enrollment management software, with strategies to connect, funnel and evaluate diverse potential students. To support students of vastly variable backgrounds, professional skills were emphasized throughout the program, with 100% retention. Consistent processes and forms support measurable inclusivity and a sustainable open network, with minimal training. PN ECHO improves potential for increased diversity and multicultural leadership in the executive suite

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