Assessing Technological Literacy of Middle School Students


Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a rigorous and relevant pre-engineering curriculum implemented in middle schools and high schools throughout the United States. PLTW has a hands-on approach using activities and project-based learning. The College of Engineering at Wichita State University has partnered with three local school districts to implement the PLTW program to increase interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). This study begins to assess the impact of the PLTW program on student perceptions and attitudes toward engineering and technology as part of an ongoing three-year assessment. A pre- and post-assessment were administered to middle school students (N=1063 and N=800, respectively) at the beginning and end of the 2010-2011 academic school year. The assessment consisted of 67-questions addressing students’ attitudes toward engineering and technology. This assessment was a combination of subscales from the Pupils’ Attitude Toward Technology (PATT-USA) and the Middle School Attitudes to Engineering, Science & Mathematics survey. Dependent variables of interest included attitude differences between PLTW students and nonPLTW students, gender differences, and differences attributed to length of involvement in the PLTW program. Results indicated PLTW students have a greater interest in technology, however there were notable gender differences and differences attributed to length of involvement in the program. Males had a greater interest in technology and longer involvement (0-3 years) in the program resulting in more positive attitudes. Females tended to have more negative opinions about technology at both pre- and post-assessment

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