European Space: How space missions are created in European context


Large and challenging space programs like the ISS and future missions to Mars and beyond are more and more realized in a multi-national global context involving in specific European partners. European space business involves various players to balance out the mission objectives, the technical performances and configurations with the financial and schedule constraints on programmatic side. Various proposals exist regarding space exploration and the continuation of manned spaceflight after ISS, spreading from feasible low cost LEO – concepts (speaker 1, DLR system institute) to high complex stations at Moon and Mars. Furthermore, the national space agencies (speaker 2, DLR program management) united under the European Space Agency (speaker 3) are responsible to organize the industrial organization and balance the various national interests and their related funding. This iterative process leads in the end to programs entering into the realization and actual building of space qualified hardware (Phase C/D) and the launch and operations of the mission (Phase E) for which the industry is involved on System, Subsystem and Equipment level (speaker 4,5 and 6). This Panel will give you specific insight into the various roles needed to work together in a co-operative way to bring a European Space Program to a success

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