Professional Responsibility of a Law Teachers


What are the essential ingredients of the proposed code of professional responsibility for the law teacher? First, the law teacher should take seriously the subject of ethics and professional responsibility. Second, law teachers should insist on students adhering to professional standards. Third, the essential quid pro quo for insisting on high professional standards on the part of the student is for the law teacher to demonstrate respect for students and for their time. Law teachers should respond to the views of the students with the courtesy and respect accorded to fellow professionals. Respect for one\u27s faculty colleagues is an important aspect of a law teacher\u27s professional responsibility. Law teachers should not only have respect for the views of other faculty members, but also for the programs in which their colleagues may be involved. Law professors have important institutional commitments, of which teaching and scholarship are paramount. Also, members of the law school faculty should participate in programs and public functions of the school. Finally, we must address the sensitive question of outside professional activity, including the earning of income through private practice

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