Space Suit Concepts and Vehicle Interfaces for the Constellation Program


In carrying out NASA’s Vision for Space Exploration, a number of different environments will be encountered that will require the crew to wear a protective space suit. Specifically, four suited mission phases are identified as Launch, Entry & Abort profiles, Contingency 0g (orbital) Extravehicular Activity (EVA), Lunar Surface EVA and Martian Surface EVA. This study presents conceptual design solutions based on a previous architecture assessment that defined space suit operational requirements for four proposed space suit configuration options. In addition, a subset of vehicle interface requirements are defined for enabling umbilical and physical connections between the suits and the various Constellation spacecraft in which they will be used. A summary of the resultant suit and component concepts and vehicle interface definitions is presented. This work was conducted during the fall semester of 2006 as part of a graduate aerospace engineering design class at the University of Colorado

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