Gravitational Waves in Advanced LIGO Supernova Science


By specializing the rate toward gravitational wave detection, we improve the estimated rate of core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) happening within the Local Universe. Using the Gravitational Wave Galaxy Catalog, a collection of galaxies containing electromagnetic counterparts within a volume of 20 Mpc were identified. Recognizing that the CCSNe galaxy hosts are morphologically dependent, the estimation of the rate of CCSNe took into the account the production of CCSNe happening within the Local Field at 10 Mpc, as well as the Virgo Cluster situated at 15 Mpc, by using both blue light luminosity and far-infrared luminosity to trace star formation. The improved estimation of the CCSNe rate within 20 Mpc is 432.1 ± 20.78 CCSNe Century- 1 Mpc-1. Overall, when taking the existence of major biases against CCSNe discoveries such as progenitor misclassification, the assumed mix of faint and bright supernova types, as well as the uncertainties in obscuration provided by factors such as absorption due to sources of dust and stellar remnants, light pollution from galaxy nuclei and the limited sky coverage of ground-based telescopes, our measurements provide an improvement in comparison to previously published rate standards within shorter CCSNe distance estimations. Poster Presentation Invited Oral Presentation IGNITE GRANT AWAR

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