First-Year Engineering Program: Student Instructional Leadership Team - Expanded and Restructured


Since its initial creation, the Student Instructional Leadership Team (SILT) within the First-Year Engineering Program (FEP) at The Ohio State University (OSU) has been responsible for training and supporting students and instructional staff. In recent years, SILT has been expanded and restructured to meet the needs of a growing student body and ever-changing program. SILT currently has 13 members working across all 4 tracks of FEP. This team helps manage over 2,000 students and 200 teaching assistants (TAs). SILT assists with various FEP resources such as its computer lab and laboratories. SILT also provides professional development opportunities for student employees. Furthermore, the leadership team strives to enhance the program’s learning objectives, support curriculum enhancements, and create consistency. Through continued change and improvement, SILT has become a model for involving TAs in the management of a large scale educational unit such as FEP

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