Professionals’ Perceptions of Gender Differences in Grief after a Perinatal Loss


This qualitative research study examined professionals’ perceptions of gender differences in grief following a perinatal loss. The participants for the current research were chosen through nonprobability sampling and consist of a mixture of eight professional social workers and non-social workers who have experience offering grief support for parents who have experienced a perinatal loss. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with a variety of professionals who provide grief support to these individuals, including social workers, chaplains, nurses, psychologists, and licensed counselors. Findings within the current research have outlined important themes that revolve around differences seen in the grief process of mothers and fathers as well as the importance of understanding the couple relationship before and after the perinatal loss. Findings also address considerations for cultural, religious, and sexual orientation that are important to recognize when working individuals who have experienced a perinatal loss. Implications for social work practice and future research are also discussed

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