Eagle Aero Sport: Student-Built Aircraft


Eagle Aero Sport (EAS) is the first student operated aircraft build team at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Our team allows students to gain hands-on experience in all aspects of aircraft production such as; aircraft riveting and assembling, engineering, management of production operations, accounting, finance, marketing, and team building skills. After intensive research and consulting sessions with the Experimental Aircraft Association, our airplane of choice is the Vans RV-12. EAS plans to modify this airplane in order to add real time flight test instrumentation for research. One of these instruments is an integrated Alpha Beta and pitot static sensor designed by students. Presently, the build progress is at about 40% completion with the fuselage and the empennage partly finished. The RV-12 build is currently predicted to be finished by December 2016. EAS implements OSHA standards and mandates that all build teams are led by a certified A&P Mechanic to ensure that the build process is done as safely as possible. Once complete, EAS will have the opportunity to conduct novel research in regards to airframe structural analysis and fatigue, aerodynamic flow characteristic around airframe including vorticity shedding, and other flight test studies. Some of the research will be sent to the Van’s Aircraft company for their own benefit. Most of the research will be used in classrooms here at Embry-Riddle. The research and information gathered by the EAS team is a rare asset that can be utilized by students to enhance Embry-Riddle’s curricula. Poster Presentation and Demostration Invited Oral Presentatio

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