Determination of Aqueous Surfactant Solution Surface Tensions with a Surface Tensiometer


Surfactant solutions are applicable to engineering systems and can be used as heat sink. Surfactants can be added to water to improve boiling heat transfer. Some applications of using water and surfactants for cooling electronic equipment can be through heat exchangers in radar systems, aircraft ground support, and lasers. Although it is ideal to redesign these systems to reduce heat, it is a costly method. Surfactant solutions are able to transfer heat quickly and effectively with minimum expense. However, the surface tension of surfactant solutions is a parameter of boiling that must be taken into consideration. The purpose of this research is to measure the surface tension of surfactant solutions to investigate the effect of concentration on boiling. A surface tensiometer that utilizes the Wilhelmy plate method is used to measure the surface tensions of SLS, EH-14, and SA-9 of various compositions at room temperature. After all the measurements are recorded, plots will be made to observe any trend between surface tension and surfactant concentration; and CMC of solutions will also be determined. The results obtained can be applied to future research that pertains to the boiling of surfactant solutions

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