Paper Session I-A - Evaluation of Space Shuttle and Orbiter Capabilities


About 13 years ago, we launched the Space Shuttle. As launch vehicles go, its performance has been incredible. Its launch reliability (66 of 67) is 98.5%. To support Space Station Assembly and Operations, we must increase Space Shuttle launch performance by adding over 13,000 additional pounds of payload to the 51.6-degiee inclination orbit This will allow us to haul payloads of over 40,000 pounds to support Space Station Assembly missions at altitudes up to 220 Bautica! miles. Potential weightto- orbit improvements are many. Every pouBd possible is being investigated. For example, we are building a new Aluminum Lithium External Tank to gain about 7,500 pounds of payload to oibit Seven new ascent trajectory design and steering software upgrades will gain us almost 1,600 pounds of payload to orbit We inteBd to use actual crew weights as the crew person is speced at 200 pounds. Many of you know about the Space Shuttle and what makes it operate. It is people. This paper is about what people in space have done to provide the United States and our international partners with unique operational capability to do what no other spacefaring Nation can do. The Space Shuttle and its trained, capable flightcrews are a great combination for expanding the human space exploration envelope

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