Paper Session II-C - Measuring the Concerns of Teachers: A Possible Means for Evaluating the Efficacy of Kennedy Space Center Teacher Enhancement Workshops


In-service teacher enhancement workshops are held as part of the NASA teacher preparation and enhancement programs. For these workshops, teachers are brought to NASA field centers during summer months for training in various aerospace related areas. The National Research Council, Committee on NASA Education Program Outcomes (NEPO) has recommended comprehensive data collection to show program efficacy. Teacher workshops are a part of the nearly 300 NASA educational programs for students and teachers from pre-school through post-graduate, and NEPO has made specific recommendations for the evaluation of the teacher workshops. In accordance with one recommendation, a questionnaire was administered during four of the summer 1995 teacher workshops to measure participant concerns about using workshop material (space science) in their classes. Participant responses to the questions reflect changes in concerns relative to using workshop materials in teaching. (Work performed under NASA contract: NAS1O-1218O

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