Some Shifting Relationships Between The User Community And The Earth Resources Program


The NASA Earth Resources Program has reached an important point in its development. Up to this point the program\u27s major emphasis has been on the research and development of sensors and other technical hardware required to place a remote sensing capability in orbit. This research has been quite successful. There may be some nearterm disappointments, but for the most part, the hardware required for ERTS A&B will be ready by early 1972. On the other hand, recent statements by NASA officials indicate that if ERTS is to achieve the success desired for it, more effort is required to effectively link the user communities with the program. While numerous Principal Investigators have identified various applications for remote sensing technology, the long-term interfaces between the actual users and the ERTS systems have been developing much too slowly. At this time various spokesmen and others prominent in the field are emphasizing the need for a specific effort to expose users to remote sensor technology and to educate users on the optimal ways to employ this new technological tool. This will result in better specifications for the earth resources information system and should argue for a particular direction in R&D outlays

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