Paper Session II-D - Expanding Sensing Capabilities Using Fiber-Optic Technology


Born through a ray of light, the communication industry of today has been revolutionized through the implementation of fiber optics. Fiber optics allow people to communicate at the speed of light to all comers of the globe. In the 21st century, fiber optic applications will inevitably expand into new fields and broaden our capabilities in countless areas, mainly due to their ability to be used simultaneously as communication devices and in the soon to be recognized area using themas intrinsic sensing devices. Everything from trains and airplanes, to smoke alarms and wrist watches will use fiber optics, because of their outstanding sensing capabilities. Fiber optics will be able to make our planes faster and our homes safer. Fiber optics revolutionized the communications industry in the 20th century, but in the 21st century, the utilization of fiber optics as sensors will expand our capabilities not only on earth, but also into outer space

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