Film and Television Production Location Scouting - An Online GIS Based Location Library


The film and television production industries are multibillion-dollar businesses for the State of California. When productions leave the state for other locations, the economic and workforce impacts on local communities relying on production business can be significant. The application of geographic information system (GIS) technology to the location scouting business is a novel approach to streamlining the location scouting process. Enhancing the site selection process by making it a web-based self-service endeavor, consolidating disparate data sources, and featuring local crew, talent, and filmfriendly businesses, the online location library assists the client in achieving key business efficiency objectives. The custom JavaScript online location library incorporates Esri, Inc. ArcGIS technology and simplifies the location scouting process for the client, makes it easier to find the right location, and highlights the Coachella Valley as an international production destination. This proof of concept web application demonstrates the use of web GIS technology that can be used by other local, regional, and state film offices

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