MR230: Weight Tables for Tree and Shrub Species in Maine


Some biomass data on the components of tree and shrub species were collected nearly every summer from 1963 through 1978 for the express purpose of relating fresh and dry weight to the commonly measured physical dimensions of height and diameter at breast height. The first opportunity to conduct a biomass inventory occurred in 1974 in conjunction with a volume inventory of the Public Lots in Maine. In order to include all woody vegetation at least 1.0\u27 (30 cm) in height it was decided to measure all trees 1.0 (2.5 cm) and larger on a variable point sample and to measure the smaller trees and shrubs on a small fixed plot. In 1978 all of the biomass data in the files were compiled by components within species and three new sets of equations were prepared for each species relating fresh and dry weight by component, aboveground portion and the complete tree to diameter at breast height, and to height for the small saplings. These equations are presented in tabular form extending over the range of the field data in both English and Metric units.

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