MP754: A Literature Review of the Effects of Intensive Forestry on Forest Structure and Plant Community Composition at the Stand and Landscape Levels


The effects of intensive forest management on forest structure and plant community composition are not well documented, particularly with respect to the forests in the Northeast. This review presents a six-part synthesis of the literature. The first section considers the effects of intensive forestry practices within the context of naturally regenerated stands. The second section reviews the changes associated with the planting of conifers in softwood sites, as well as those previously occupied by hardwood and mixed-wood stands. The third examines the impacts of intensive management specifically on bryophytes and lichens. The fourth section discusses changes in dead organic matter components of the stand and the fifth with the impact on tree pests. The final section views the effects of intensive forestry from the landscape-scale perspective and is followed by summary and conclusions. While this paper provides a summary of scientific information, it does not recommend policy or propose how the forest should be managed.

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