TB182: Agricultural Land Changes in Maine: A Compilation and Brief Analysis of Census of Agriculture Data, 1850-1997


The purpose of this study is to compile the best available long-term historical information on agricultural land use in Maine and to briefly analyze these data to develop a statewide description of Maine\u27s land use history from the mid-1800s to present. Our emphasis is on compiling statistically based information and, in particular, land use data reported in the Census of Agriculture. Objectives were (1) to compile available statewide data on agricultural land and land cover (LULC) in Maine, 1850-1997; (2) to examine temporal and spatial patterns in the LULC of Maine; and (3) to discuss the implications of the major trends in LULC for selected natural resources of current economic and ecological concern.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_techbulletin/1026/thumbnail.jp

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