Architect\u27s Report To the Board of Trustees of the College of Agriculture, and the Mechanic Arts, of the State of Maine


The report of Frederick Law Olmsted on design considerations for the Land Grant College for the state of Maine presented in 1867. Olmsted\u27s report begins on page 15 of the Annual Report of the State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts as it appeared in Documents of the Legislature of the State of Maine, 46th Legislature, House Document no. 57. The entire document was scanned. Olmsted discusses what he views as important and unique design considerations given the goal of the college, to provide a liberal education to those who are to remain members of the industrial classes. He notes that it is absolutely essential to the success of the institution that during the four years in which students shall be subject to its direct influence, certain tastes, inclinations and habits shall be established. Olmsted explains how these considerations can be reflected in the arrangement and use of buildings and the landscape design

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