
A Contrastive Analysis of Interrogative Sentences in English and Indonesian Language


Human beings are social creatures. They need a language for communication. A   human   being   who came   from   different   country   has   different   language   for communication. Although the languages are different, those have some similarities. The similarities of  languages  make the students easy to  learn the languages as second or foreign  languages.  However,  the  differences  of  languages  cause  students  face  some difficulties  to  learn  other  languages.  This  research  has  analyzed  some  differences  of interrogative  sentences  in  English  and  Indonesian   language   in  order  to  contribute positively in language learning and teaching. This research uses a  method to know the differences  between  two  languages.  The  method  is  contrastive  analysis.  Contrastive Analysis is a method of language analysis that popular in linguistic  study  in  middle  of 20th century. This method is used  to contrast between two languages that have differences. Through this method, linguists or language learners find the differences which make them find the difficulties of languages which make them find the conveniences in learning. Interrogative sentences  that have been analyzed in this research are sentences have essential roles in communications and learning language process too. Through this sentence, questioners obtain some information from  respondent and teachers also invite the students' idea. Before analyze the differences between two  languages, this research presents the data presentation that  explains  the  kinds  of  interrogative   sentences  in English  and  Indonesian language clearly. Then, researcher contrast two languages to find out  differences of them. The differences between two languages are found, such as in placing of question  words, the use of “who”, the form of interrogative sentences, tag questions. Based on this analysis can be known that interrogative sentences in English and Indonesian language have brief differences. The research findings have been found based on the structure and the uses of sentences

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