Increasing Access in Art Museums: Teen Programming for English Language Learners


The following paper discusses the need to increase access for English Language Learners (ELLs) and recent immigrant teens in contemporary art museums through the implementation of participatory programming. This capstone project proposes a teen council program for English Language Learners and recent immigrants at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, CA, and was created with the following goals in mind: (1) to increase access for ELL and recent immigrant teens in art museums, (2) to increase participatory programming for ELL and recent immigrant teens, and (3) to foster meaningful relationships between ELL and recent immigrant teens and museums. The paper discusses the previous research conducted on this topic, proposes a teen council program for the Contemporary Jewish Museum, and offers an action plan describing the tasks, milestones, goals, and other logistics needed to successfully implement the program. This project seeks to use museum education as a way to make art museums a more inclusive, equal, and relevant space for diverse audiences by providing relevant, meaningful, and creative programming

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