Native American Women in Academia


This essay is meant as a guide to help Indian women understand aspects of the race- and gender-based educational and social problems created by the American system to subdue their ascension. I present real-life examples of women who have flourished, despite the intentional obstacles laid before them. I hope to do justice for the women of my ethnicity who have contributed to my life in ways they may not have known affected me, including as matriarchs of the family, scholastic mentors, inspirational figures, and supporters of my past attempts to understand gender differences while retaining the fact that they were my equal. I came upon this idea during research of Native views of men and women and how they have had roles conferred upon them—some the same, others not—by the Great Spirit and must work in unison, relying on one another to achieve aspirations; only when the European colonizer disrupted this time-honored cycle did Native people refrain from the natural ways of humane treatment.

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