Leadership and Communication as Opportunities for Growth: Refining Discipline with Cross Cultural Relationships beyond the Classroom


Overt disciplinary tactics disproportionately affect scholars of color. This field project aims to shed light on discipline policies across a variety of learning environments and provide scholars of color with the opportunity to self-advocate. I utilize a culturally relevant pedagogy in my framework component to stress the need for reciprocal relationships based on dignity and mutual respect. I provide effective alternative strategies, framed by culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP) and Gregory and Mosely’s theory of culturally relevant discipline (CRD), for addressing misconduct that emphasize stronger communication and greater leadership opportunities. My project consists of three parts: a modified communications policy in alignment with discipline guidelines at my work site, a core values rubric and a leadership council application packet that can be utilized across different learning environments that work to promote positive youth engagement. It is vital that schools offer a fair and supportive system of discipline that does not intentionally or unintentionally undermine the cultural, emotional, and mental well being of scholars of color by engaging in overly punitive discipline measures. Keywords: disproportionate discipline, reciprocal relationships, scholars of color, hegemony, consistent communication

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