Controlling PM2.5 in Chengdu: Analysis and Recommendations from the China, U.S. and California Experience


Chengdu, China, is experiencing rapid economic growth and urbanization at a cost of serious air pollution problems. China has developed a series of policies to reduce PM2.5 emissions and to reform energy structure. However, problems exist which may prevent effectively implementation of the PM2.5 policies, include poor PM2.5 monitoring, isolated environmental management, lack of health improvement target, unclear consequence of non-compliance, and unequally distributed PM2.5 management. This research reviews U.S. PM2.5 emission control technologies related to coal-fired boilers and iron and steel manufacturing industries, which represent major emission sources of Chengdu. Chengdu’s choice of PM2.5 control technology should always consider its local characteristics. By learning the U.S. and California PM2.5 control experiences, their effective policy features are identified, include clear consequence of failure to compliance, strong states and local authorities, comprehensive monitoring and reporting system, health-based standards, and regional air quality management district. U.S. practice also shows innovative policy tools, such as technology standards, use of economic incentives, and cap and trade programs. These U.S. and California policy mechanisms can help to address problems and challenges existing in Chengdu and China’s PM2.5 management. Based on the analysis of the China, U.S. and California policies related to PM2.5, I make the following recommendation: develop integrated policy framework and giving stronger authority to environmental protection agencies; consider health effects as a qualification of the PM2.5 standards; establish comprehensive and accurate PM2.5 monitoring and reporting system; specify clear consequences for non-compliance and strengthening enforcement; divide provinces and big areas into regional air quality management districts by considering local characteristics; use technology-based emission standards to reflect emission limitation and performance; use economic incentives to drive emission reduction; and enhance public disclosure of information

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