
Psychological Intervention for Development of Disease Awareness in Addicts: Villa Colibri Therapeutic Community of Santiago De Cuba


In the research, a Mixed Method was used and the execution was through a sequential exploratory design. For the initial diagnosis was used, semi-structured interview, sentence completion test, disease awareness questionnaire, attitude to the disease, interpersonal relationships, and conflict management, were the dimensions of the awareness indicator of the disease. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the Psychological Intervention Program was developed, based on the cognitive-behavioral model with a humanistic approach. with respect to the attitude towards the disease, the subjects predominated in ambivalence in 70.6% and non-consciousness in 23.5%, referring to interpersonal relationships, ambivalent in 58.8% and not healthy in 29.4% and conflict management was inconsistent in 70.6%, and inadequate in 23.5%, after the development of the program, positive attitude increased 52.9% and ambivalence decreased to 41.2%, healthy interpersonal relationships grew to 47.1% and adequate conflict management was imposed in 58.8% of the sample. The lack of awareness of the disease in patients was identified, the preliminary results of the application of the program proved to be very useful to develop awareness of the disease in the subjects studied, thus achieving a better therapeutic adherence

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