Zero Magnetization States in Electrodeposited Co0.45Fe0.55 Nanowire Arrays


Co0.45Fe0.55 alloy nanowires with 12 to 35 nm diameter and 12 μm length were fabricated by electrodeposition in porous anodic alumina templates. The initial magnetization curves reveal that the zero magnetization state is not unique and is determined by the field history (acdemagnetization process) leading to the zero average moment state. For acdemagnetization processes with the field applied parallel to the nanowire axis, the subsequent magnetization curves suggest that an individual nanowire behaves as a single domain with neighboring nanowires being antiparallel to each other in the zero magnetization state. However, for a demagnetization process with the field applied perpendicular to the nanowires, a different zero magnetization state is created in which the individual nanowires consist of multidomains having opposite axial orientations. These results are consistent with the asymmetric (symmetric) behavior found in the minor hysteresis loops measured after perpendicular (parallel) acdemagnetization on these nanowire arrays

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