A Peer-reviewed Program for Senior Proficiencies


Many nursing program require a review and retest of skilled procedures before graduation. In this way the nursing school takes steps to ensure a competent graduate practitioner. At Cleveland State University this testing is known as Senior Proficiencies, and is done in the spring semester of senior year. In the past, this has been a time-consuming task for nursing resource laboratory personnel and a stressful event for students. In their course evaluations many students expressed concern and dissatisfaction regarding their infrequently used skills and the stress associated with the retesting. The skills evaluation was a negative experience for both faculty and students. Faculty members felt frustrated and students were not afforded an opportunity for professional growth and personal development. Additionally, the logistics of moving a large number of students through a variety of scenarios to test multiple selected skills from multiple prior courses, with adequate supervision and review from nursing resource laboratory personnel and faculty, became burdensome and was nor cost effective. A change in the way Senior Proficiencies were done was necessary

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