Book Review: An Overview of Health Care Reform: A View of the Forest--An Introduction to Taft Strategic Atlas: U.S. Health Care Reform by Frederick I. Taft


Those interested in health law, who wish to follow and participate in the national debate, need a method of organizing the trees of definition, individual issues, and plans found in the forest of the debate. The cliche of not seeing the forest for the trees is reversed in this debate as we all can see the forest, but we cannot distinguish or truly discern its contents. To aid in understanding these issues, The Journal of Law and Health has taken the unusual step of reprinting a significant portion of a new book. The Editors believe that a traditional Book Review would not adequately serve this function. Frederick I. Taft has recently published Taft Strategic Atlas: U.S. Health Care Reform (Public Strategy Company, Cleveland, Ohio 1993). Its purpose is to provide an overview of the debate on health care reform

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