Polarizing Majorana Fermions


Classically, a spin-1/2 fermion can interact electromagnetically via four methods: its charge, electric and magnetic dipole moments, and anapole moment. One can polarize a collection of these particles, such that their spins align, by applying an external field or current. The particle experiences a torque that aligns its spin with the direction of the applied field or current. A Majorana fermion is a particle that is its own antiparticle, which means that it can only interact with currents via its anapole moment. These particles are natural candidates for dark matter particles given their electromagnetic properties. One could indirectly observe dark matter by looking at its annihilation signiture. It turns out that the annihilation cross section for Majorana fermions is dependent on the relative spin states of the particles involved in the interaction. Using techniques in quantum field theory, this research looks to theoretically investigate methods by which one could polarize a collection of Majorana fermions, such that their spins align

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