
The correlation between histopathological and ultrasound findings regarding Cesarean section scars – A three-year survey study


The cesarean operation represents a major surgery, with a higher risk of postoperative complications and longer postoperative recovery than vaginal delivery. Due to the increasing frequency of cesarean sections, the ultrasound imaging of the uterine scar has become a particularly useful tool in identifying its potential long-term complications. This should be done pre-conceptively and quarterly or whenever necessary during pregnancy. Currently, there are only few histopathological studies on the uterine scar, trying to assess the myometrial repair and certain factors that influence the quality of the scar. The study was performed on a batch of 123 patients with previous C-sections, with multiple ultrasound exams during pregnancy and post-operative pathologic evaluation of the uterine scar in order to assess the possibility of a new prognostic score by correlating these two factors. Our study found solid evidence related to possible correlations between histopathological and ultrasound data on the cesarean section scar, which could lead to a possible predictive algorithm with implications for both prognostic and therapeutic fields

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