
Faunal Composition, Wing Polymorphism and Seasonal Abundance of Some Flea Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Southern Quebec (Canada)


Chrysomelidae (51 taxa) were collected with flight intercept traps from May through October during 1987-1989, in four sites near a raspberry plantation in southern Quebec. More species and individuals of phytophagous flea beetles occurred in two open sites than at a pine woods-raspberry field boundary and in a pine woods. Longitarsus luridus complex, an immigrant taxon in North America, represented 58% of all captures in the two open sites where both Ranunculus acris and Plantago spp. are its main host plants; this species and Longitarsus rubiginosus were almost exclusively represented by jumping apterous adults in pans of flight intercept traps. The seven most abundant chrysomelid species from Johnville are probably all univoltine, and they are apparently not serious raspberry pests. Three life cycle types are apparent: L. luridus complex oviposit in autumn and overwinter as adults. Capraita subvittata, Chaetocnema minuta, Epitrix cucumeris, Phyllotreta striolata and Tricholochmaea alni also overwinter as adults but oviposition begins in spring. Longitarsus rubiginosus oviposits in autumn, overwintering in the egg and/or larval stage

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