Fuelwood is the major source of energy for tea drying in Sri Lanka. High moisture content and presence of latex in the wood are the two main problems in using Cluisia as a fuelwood in tea drying. This study was carried out at Moussakellie tea factory and Hapugastenne estate in Maskeliya to evaluate Clusia rosea as a fuelwood species in tea drying. Two fuelwood combinations were evaluated by estimating Specific Fuelwood Consumption (SFC). Moisture content of Clusia wood were measured in relation to stem girth and methods of processing. Wood production of Clusia coppice managed under a six year rotation was measured.
The study clearly shows that Clusia rosea is a suitable fuelwood species for tea drying. Clusia showed a higher energy value as inclusion of it in the fuelwood mixtures caused a significant reduction in the Specific Fuelwood Consumption (SFC). Clusia wood can be mixed up to 50% with wild wood for tea drying without causing deposition of latex on heat tubes by maintaining flue gas temperature above 1000C. Results of the study also showed that splitting and peeling are effective methods in removing moisture from Clusia wood. The study also identified the relationship between moisture content and moisture loss with stem girth. The biomass production of Clusia is found to be comparable with common fuelwood species used in tea drying. The study also revealed some characteristics of Clusia that contributes to its invasive behavior