Search for resonant states in positron-electron scattering using a positron gas target


Narrow correlated positron-electron peaks discovered in superheavy nuclear collisions may be signatures for previously undetected neutral particle-like objects having masses of 1--2 MeV/c{sup 2}. We have designed an experiment to definitively test this hypothesis by searching for resonant states formed directly in the scattering of monoenergetic electrons incident on a gas of cold positrons confined magnetically in a Malmberg trap. This technique will provide a hundred-fold improvement in sensitivity to e{sup +}e{sup {minus}} resonances compared to previous positron-beam, thin-foil scattering experiments. Together with a recoil-shadow technique, this experiment will explore a five decade range in neutral-particle lifetimes (10{sup {minus}13}s to 10{sup {minus}8}s) which cannot be probed directly to other methods. 14 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab

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