A lecture on detonation-shock dynamics


We summarize recent investigations into the theory of multi-dimensional, time-dependent detonation. These advances have led to the development of a theory for describing the propagation of high-order detonation in condensed-phase explosives. The central approximation in the theory is that the detonation shock is weakly curved. Specifically, we assume that the radius of curvature of the detonation shock is large compared to a relevant reaction-zone thickness. Our main findings are: (1) the flow is quasi-steady and nearly one dimensional along the normal to the detonation shock; and (2) the small deviation of the normal detonation velocity from the Chapman-Jouguet (CJ) value is generally a function of curvature. The exact functional form of the correction depends on the equation of state (EOS) and the form of the energy-release law. 8 refs

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