Kentucky Univ., Lexington (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Samples of U/sub 6/Fe were prepared by arc melting U and enriched /sup 57/Fe. The samples display superconducting transitions which are sensitive to long-term exposure to air. Room temperature spectra of U/sub 6/Fe typically display a majority site A (quadrupole splitting = 0.749(3) mm/s, isomer shift delta = 0.482(6) mm/s relative to Cu) and a minority site B ( = 0.55(3) mm/s, sigma = 0.12(3) mm/s) with the site intensity ratio (I/sub B//I/sub A/) typically 0.05 to 0.10. The I/sub B//I/sub A/ intensity ratio increases upon air exposure of the samples. We have studied Moessbauer spectra as a function of temperature T in the range 15/sup 0/K less than or equal to T less than or equal to 310/sup 0/K paying particular attention to the T-variation of the isomer-shift and recoil-free-fraction of the majority site A. Results indicate a consistent softening of lattice vibrations of U/sub 6/Fe at T approx. = 170/sup 0/K