Overview of the MFTF electrical systems


The Mirror Fusion Test Facility, scheduled for completion in October 1981, will contain a complex, state-of-the-art array of electrical and electronics equipment valued at over 60 M$. Three injector systems will be employed to initiate and sustain the MFTF deuterium plasma. A plasma streaming system and a startup neutron beam system will be used to establish a target plasma. A sustaining neutral beam system will be used to fuel and sustain the MFTF plasma for 0.5 s. Additional power supply systems required on MFTF include two magnet power supplies with quench protection circuitry for powering the superconducting YIN/YANG magnet pair and eight 10 KHz power supplies for powering the Ti gettering system. Due to the complexity, physical size, and multiple systems of MFTF, a distributed, hierarchial, computer control and instrumentation system will be used. Color graphic, touch-panel, control consoles will provide the man-machine interface. The MFTF will have the capability of conducting an experiment every five minutes

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