NOVA laser facility for inertial confinement fusion


The NOVA laser consists of ten beams, capable of concentrating 100 to 150 kJ of energy (in 3 ns) and 100 to 150 TW of power (in 100 ps) on experimental targets by 1985. NOVA will also be capable of frequency converting the fundamental laser wavelength (1.05 to its second (0.525 or third (0.35 harmonic. This additional capability (80 to 120 kJ at 0.525, 40 to 70 kJ at 0.35 was approved by the US Department of Energy (DOE) in April 1982. These shorter wavelengths are much more favorable for ICF target physics. Current construction status of the NOVA facility, intended for completion in the autumn of 1984, will be presented

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